Result Oriented Solutions - Independenttrust
For Advisors
Nationwide Trust Services

Your South Dakota Trust Company

We are Trust Management & Administrative Experts with decades of experience in the trust business.


Expert Services For All

Who We Serve

Individuals, professionals, and more!


We are trustees for families that benefit from trusts. Are you dissatisfied with your current trustee or with the mediocre service levels of ‘big box’ trustees? We offer a personalised, conflict-free strategy with the focus on your needs. 


We are your objective, professional consultant, agent or co-trustee. Our proprietary infrastructure and open architecture supports ITC’s work with individuals acting as trustee for their family members, as well as professional advisors including lawyers, CPA’s, and financial advisors currently serving, or who have been asked to serve, as a trustee.

Independent Financial Advisors

We empower financial advisors by providing platform access to high-level trustee services and experienced, quality resources. ITC is a preferred provider for numerous national custodial platforms, broker dealers & RIA’s because we help build and protect multi generational relationships.

We Make it Simple

At ITC, we treat every family with individual care – with an understandable, down to earth approach that is free of pretense

Unique Framework

What Makes Us Different

Conflict Free Strategy - Independenttrust

We do not receive commissions from investments firms.

Independence is more than a word to us. It is the foundation of our business.

Under a typical corporate Trustee business model, the Trustee is paid for both trust administrative services and also receives compensation for investment products and services made with an internal investment arm or even outside firms. This represents a conflict of interest and a loss of independence for the trustee and is a disservice to the family and beneficiaries. At ITC we adopt conflict-free strategy, where our sole focus, and compensation, comes from doing what is best for you and your family.

We navigate complex legal, regulatory and tax matters, service most asset types and set realistic expectations to minimize family friction.

We customize our trust services for you.

All families are complex, have nuanced goals and unique dynamics. And we understand that.

For example, many firms decline to service Unique Assets (certain non investable or cash assets) in trusts because they can be complicated to manage. However, here at ITC, we know that a family’s wealth is generally more than a tidy bundle of marketable securities. Here we service trusts that include primary and secondary homes where memories have been made, limited partnerships, commercial real estate, family businesses maybe even art collections, and other types of assets.

We pride ourselves on having the infrastructure to ensure our clients’ trusts include solutions to maintain unique or non-traditional assets.

Client Centric Approach - Independenttrust
High Performance Delivered - Independenttrust

Our only business is the trust business.

The trust industry is filled with “big box” financial conglomerates that keep a trustee management subsidiary off to the side. However, trust services is not really the primary focus.

ITC does not own or operate an investment arm, we follow conflict free approach.

We meet the same institutional requirements as a large conglomerate … but with a trust focus and a boutique feel.

Which means, here at ITC, trust services are all we do.

We believe that’s enough.

Established in South Dakota For Nationwide Service

Independent Trust Company is licensed and headquartered in South Dakota helping families throughout the United States access and benefit from the numerous advantages of South Dakota trusts. Since 2011 trust families have worked with ITC to serve as a fiduciary, executor, trustee or agent when managing their trusts.
Client Centric Approach - Independenttrust

Conflict-Free Services

What Does "Conflict-Free" Mean?

Making objective choices.

ITC is founded on the principle that it is a conflict of interest to act as the investment manager over a trust’s assets while serving as trustee. Because no one can serve two masters, we chose alignment with the families we serve ahead of extra profits generated by managing or packaging investment products.

It takes courage, resolve and strength of character to succeed with the Conflict-Free business model, which is why so few trustees refrain from investment management. It is the hard way of doing things and for us, its worth it.

Because we only prosper when you do, we deliver in-depth, holistic, personalized and, unbiased service in a candid and common-sense manner. Making your trust accessible and understandable is at the core of everything we do.

Protecting Your Legacy

Compassionate Trust Management Help

Give multiple generations a head start.

We help families succeed with generational wealth transfers by first understanding their family governance. You can’t be an effective trustee unless you understand the framework family uses to make decisions and preserve culture. Our success is based on shared values and purpose. Preserving and growing assets is inseparable from a family’s legacy. This means we keep our focus on the values, goals and culture that drives your family’s success in turn protecting your legacy.

Unlike typical trust companies, we don’t use a cookie-cutter approach. We add value by understanding and supporting legacies

Protecting Your Legacy

Get Free Trust Review

Book Your Free
15-Minute Consultation

Free trust document and estate plan review available.

Connect with our friendly, knowledgeable people to discuss:

  • Understanding the provisions of your trust
  • What the grantor of the trust intended to provide and on what basis
  • Who can hire and fire the trustee of your trust
  • Why distributions may differ between the beneficiaries of the trust
  • Who can serve as trustee of your trust
  • What are the costs typically associated with administration of a trust
  • Types of trusts and the different roles of stakeholders
  • Insights on best practices from a professional trust administrator
  • Additional provisions that you might consider including in a trust.
  • Where to domicile your trust and why it can save you money

Trust Management Options

You Want The Best For Your Family

Get the best know-how.

Your family has worked hard to build, assemble and protect your trust’s assets. No one wants to guess or try to figure things out on their own.

Let us help you.

We have the experience and the expertise to help you through this challenge successfully.