Result Oriented Solutions - Independenttrust
For Advisors

Personalized & Proactive Trust Solutions

Providing the highest levels of professional responsiveness.


Who We Serve


We are trustees working for beneficiaries of trusts.

We work with individuals, family and organizations.

  • Plan
  • Administer
  • Manage
Your Needs our Focus - Independenttrust
Protect your wealth with us - Independenttrust


We are consultants or co-trustees working with anyone who been appointed as a trustee.

We work with family members and professionals such as lawyers and accountants.

  • Plan
  • Administer
  • Manage

Independent Financial Advisors

We provide wholesale trustee management & admin services.

We work with financial advisors, such as brokers, money managers and insurance agents.

  • Plan
  • Administer
  • Manage
Conflict Free Strategy - Independenttrust

Customized Solutions

We get to know you – your family, goals, life experiences and values. By knowing what’s most important to you, we are able to create meaningful and effective solutions that align your interests.

Our Objective

Our aim is enable trust assets to last throughout future generations’ lifetimes.


What Our Clients Say About Us

Trust Management Options

You Want The Best For Your Family

Get the best know-how

The fiduciary responsibilities involved with trust management are complicated. To properly assume fiduciary responsibilities, you need advanced legal, accounting, and tax know-how just to start.

We are here to help.

Get Free Trust Review

Book Your Free
15-Minute Consultation

Free trust document and estate plan review available.

Connect with our friendly, knowledgeable people to discuss:

  • Understanding the provisions of your trust
  • What the grantor of the trust intended to provide and on what basis
  • Who can hire and fire the trustee of your trust
  • Why distributions may differ between the beneficiaries of the trust
  • Who can serve as trustee of your trust
  • What are the costs typically associated with administration of a trust
  • Types of trusts and the different roles of stakeholders
  • Insights on best practices from a professional trust administrator
  • Additional provisions that you might consider including in a trust.
  • Where to domicile your trust and why it can save you money