Result Oriented Solutions - Independenttrust
For Advisors
For Beneficiaries

For Individuals, Families And Organizations

We are trustees for beneficiaries of trusts.


Alignment of Interests

Protect Your Family's Future

Highest levels of professional responsiveness & attention to detail.

Your Needs our Focus - Independenttrust

Whether you are the first generation funding a trust or are the next generation in a long line, your choices influence the lives and financial outcomes of those who will come behind you.

The choices you make as a trust beneficiary — about how you see yourself, your life, your employment, those you associate with, your relationship with money – all influence your part of the legacy you will pass to others.

We seek families who are intentional with that stewardship. That’s why we take the time to get to know you, your goals, your family, the financial details and the relationship dynamics.

Let’s talk.

Benefits of Our Trust Services

Peace of Mind

Our approach: transparency & honesty.

Our clients receive a level of service that is uncommon in our space. Because we take the time to get to know you, your goals, your family, your life. We support your financial life by understanding you and your family personally. Your assigned team will provide candid, common-sense service tailored to your priorities. You can rely on the integrity of our people.
  • Educated Decisions: We demystify the process, empowering you to set informed expectations.
  • Preserve Wealth: Protect your family’s financial legacy while is balanced with providing benefit according to the intent of the trust.
  • Unbiased Investments: Our team members have no financial incentive to up-sell any investment products or services.
  • Harmonious Relationships: As a professional trustee, we provide the objective view the family needs to move forward.
  • Focus On What Matters: We relieve you of the weight of managing the trust, so you can focus on the things that bring you joy.
Expert in Trust, Best in Class - Independenttrust

Living Legacy

Legacy isn’t something dead that is left behind. A legacy is alive and is lived – every day.

Our Unique 3-Pronged Team

Relationship Manager + Trust Associate + Trust Analyst

All professionally invested in your success and dedicated to the transparent, efficient management of your trust.

Features of Our Trust Services

How Can A Professional Trustee Help You?

Our solution-focused staff are at your service.

ITC engages with you from the start and manage the legal, accounting, tax and investment oversight of your trust. Our services include:
  • Providing comprehensive reports that won’t overwhelm,
  • Sharing clear statements reflecting performance of all trust assets,
  • Working with CPAs specializing in trust accounting for accurate tax preparation,
  • Assisting with filing annual state and federal trust tax returns,
  • Addressing tax matters related to the trust,
  • Providing timely asset distributions to beneficiaries,
  • Reviewing all documents thoroughly and promptly,
  • Reinvesting with our eye on support of many generations to come.


What Our Clients Say About Us

What is a Beneficiary?

Roles Associated With Trusts

Our expert guidance helps you understand your privileges, responsibilities and obligations as a trust beneficiary.

Beneficiaries of this type of trust generally cannot be substituted or their access changed without court intervention.
This class of beneficiary is the first in line to receive benefits from the trust, ahead of Remainder or Contingent Beneficiaries.
This is an individual or organization who administers property or assets for the benefit of a third party, by holding onto the property but without taking direct ownership of it. Trustees have the fiduciary responsibility to operate in the best interests of the grantor and the beneficiaries, and must faithfully execute the mandates outlined in the trust document.
The rights of persons or entities with this beneficiary designation are subordinate to Primary or Income Beneficiaries. Depending on the instructions in the trust document, Trustees generally emphasize preservation and growth of principal assets in the trust when considering beneficiaries of this type.
Sometimes called the settler or trustor, a grantor refers to the individual who creates the trust and has the legal authority to transfer property into the Trust.
A person other than the grantor, beneficiary, or trustee who holds power over some aspect of a trust.

Clarity & Harmony

We navigate complex legal, regulatory and tax matters, and set realistic expectations to minimize family friction.

Get Free Trust Review

Book Your Free
15-Minute Consultation

Free trust document and estate plan review available.

Connect with our friendly, knowledgeable people to discuss:

  • Understanding the provisions of your trust
  • What the grantor of the trust intended to provide and on what basis
  • Who can hire and fire the trustee of your trust
  • Why distributions may differ between the beneficiaries of the trust
  • Who can serve as trustee of your trust
  • What are the costs typically associated with administration of a trust
  • Types of trusts and the different roles of stakeholders
  • Insights on best practices from a professional trust administrator
  • Additional provisions that you might consider including in a trust.
  • Where to domicile your trust and why it can save you money

Trust Management

You Want The Best For Your Family

Get the best know-how.

Delivering in-depth, personalized, objective service in a candid and common-sense manner is at the core of what we do.

You can rely on Independent Trust.