Result Oriented Solutions - Independenttrust
For Advisors
For Trustees

For Families, Lawyers, Accountants & Other Professionals

We are here to help whether you need an objective advisor, recordkeeper or co-trustee.


Protecting Your Future

Stewards Of Families’ Heritage

Working with families directly or professionals named as trustees.

Expert in Trust, Best in Class - Independenttrust

Our objective, industry-leading expertise helps ensure that differing interests of family members are always kept in mind.

From maintaining detailed records, to knowing when to engage legal counsel and sourcing independent investment advisors, we have you covered from every angle.

Our goal is to ease acting trustees burden of the day-to-day tasks and operations to provide cohesive long-term consistency and vision between generations.

Put your trust in our hands.

Benefits of Our Trustee Services

Professional Support

Managing your trust means earning your trust everyday

  • Expert Guidance: Our team is here to assist with your decisions and help you uphold the wishes of the grantor expressed in the trust.
  • Corporate Know-How with a Boutique Feel: We combine a down-to-earth, personal approach with world-class research, advice and tools.
  • Estate Settlement Representation: In administering a final will or settling an estate, ITC can serve as an Executor / Personal Representative in settling the estate.
Your Needs our Focus - Independenttrust

Creating A Trust?

Help your clients leave a lasting legacy and make a positive difference in their lives.

A Personalized Team of Support

Relationship Manager + Trust Associate + Trust Analyst + Executive Management + Trust Committee

All dedicated to understandable, professional, efficient management of your trust.

Features Of Our Trust Services

How Can A Consultant, Co-Trustee or Trustee Help You?

Our solution-focused staff are at your service.

We are experts across the spectrum of personal trust and financial matters. Not only can ITC assume some or all fiduciary duties, our personalized approach helps demystify the technical aspects of managing a trust.

Some of our services include:

  • Properly title trust assets
  • Research claims made against the trust and oppose improper claims in court
  • Engage legal counsel when appropriate and assure legal compliance
  • Maintain accurate Principal and Income accounting for all trust assets
  • Provide regular account statements
  • Pay bills authorized by the trust document
  • Develop an Investment Objective aligned with trust documents instructions,
  • Establish and Monitor custody of standard investable and unique assets
  • Assure prompt, investment of trust assets in compliant products
  • Monitor the investment compliance with the trust Investment Objective
  • Regularly review portfolios for quality and performance
  • Coordinate tax strategies with all stakeholders
  • Oversee daily cash management to support day-to-day needs of the trust
  • Process distributions of income and principal according to instructions of the trust

*This list is not fully inclusive of all trustee services and is provided only for illustrative purposes. For more detailed information of all services provided by ITC, please call us.


What Our Clients Say About Us

What is a Trustee?

Types of Trustees

Our services include a variety of trustee roles.

A sole trustee is a single trustee that makes decisions and is empowered to act on those decisions.
A co-trustee serves in tandem with another trustee. Both usually share the authority and responsibility for decisions and actions.
A successor trustee is usually named in a trust document to serve after the grantor or current trustee becomes incapacitated or dies. The successor trustee will replace a previous trustee.

In a directed trust, an administrative or directed trustee is appointed to fulfill duties limited and specified by the grantors in the trust document. Directed trusts will also appoint an outside investment advisor that is responsible for the trust’s investment management. Because ITC does not offer any investment products or management services, we are a popular choice as a directed trustee.

Trust Services For Financial Advisors

If you are an independent financial advisor you may be surprised to learn how many of your client’s families are involved with a trust. Advisors that include trust services in their business plans preserve relationships across generations. Teaming with ITC, your firm can offer clients a full suite of estate planning and trust management services.

Get Free Trust Review

Book Your Free
15-Minute Consultation

Free trust document and estate plan review available.

Connect with our friendly, knowledgeable people to discuss:

  • Understanding the provisions of your trust
  • What the grantor of the trust intended to provide and on what basis
  • Who can hire and fire the trustee of your trust
  • Why distributions may differ between the beneficiaries of the trust
  • Who can serve as trustee of your trust
  • What are the costs typically associated with administration of a trust
  • Types of trusts and the different roles of stakeholders
  • Insights on best practices from a professional trust administrator
  • Additional provisions that you might consider including in a trust.
  • Where to domicile your trust and why it can save you money

Trust Administration Options

You Want The Best For Your Family

Get the best know-how.

Are you dissatisfied with the way your trust is being managed? Tired of the mediocre, call center service levels of ‘too-big-to-fail’ trustees? Do you want to be able to talk to the same people that can get to know you each time you have a question? We are a better alternative.